2019-12-12 19:41:48 +01:00

147 lines
5.2 KiB

""" https://adventofcode.com/2019/day/7 """
import queue, itertools
class InvalidOpcode(Exception):
def readFile():
with open(f"{__file__.rstrip('code.py')}input.txt", "r") as f:
return [int(num) for num in f.readline().split(",")]
class Amp:
def __init__(self, vals, phase):
self.vals = vals.copy()
self.phase = phase
self.queue = queue.Queue()
self.output, self.prev, self.next = None, None, None
self.phased, self.term = False, False
self.i = 0
def run(self):
while 1:
opcode = (self.vals[self.i] % 100, self.vals[self.i] // 100 % 10,
self.vals[self.i] // 1000 % 10, self.vals[self.i] // 10000 % 10)
# 99 : Termination
# 0 Parameter
if opcode[0] == 99:
self.output = self.vals[0]
self.term = True
# 1 : Addition
# 3 parameter
elif opcode[0] == 1:
a = self.vals[self.i+1] if opcode[1] == 0 else self.i+1
b = self.vals[self.i+2] if opcode[2] == 0 else self.i+2
self.vals[self.vals[self.i+3]] = self.vals[a] + self.vals[b]
self.i += 4
# 2 : Multiplication
# 3 parameter
elif opcode[0] == 2:
a = self.vals[self.i+1] if opcode[1] == 0 else self.i+1
b = self.vals[self.i+2] if opcode[2] == 0 else self.i+2
self.vals[self.vals[self.i+3]] = self.vals[a] * self.vals[b]
self.i += 4
# 3 : Input
# 1 parameter
elif opcode[0] == 3:
if self.phased:
if self.prev and self.prev.output:
self.vals[self.vals[self.i+1]] = self.prev.output
self.vals[self.vals[self.i+1]] = self.queue.get(block=False)
except queue.Empty:
self.vals[self.vals[self.i+1]], self.phased = self.phase, True
self.i += 2
# 4 : Output
# 1 parameter
elif opcode[0] == 4:
a = self.vals[self.i+1] if opcode[1] == 0 else self.i+1
self.vals[0] = self.vals[a]
if self.next:
self.i += 2
# 5 : Jump-if-true
# 6 : Jump-if-false
# 2 parameter
elif opcode[0] in [5, 6]:
a = self.vals[self.i+1] if opcode[1] == 0 else self.i+1
if opcode[0] == 5 and self.vals[a] or \
opcode[0] == 6 and not self.vals[a]:
b = self.vals[self.i+2] if opcode[2] == 0 else self.i+2
self.i = self.vals[b]
self.i += 3
# 7 : less-than
# 8 : equals
# 3 parameter
elif opcode[0] in [7, 8]:
a = self.vals[self.i+1] if opcode[1] == 0 else self.i+1
b = self.vals[self.i+2] if opcode[2] == 0 else self.i+2
self.vals[self.vals[self.i+3]] = 1 if opcode[0] == 7 and self.vals[a] < \
self.vals[b] or opcode[0] == 8 and self.vals[a] == self.vals[b] else 0
self.i += 4
raise InvalidOpcode
def amplify(vals : list, phaseSettings : tuple):
amps = [Amp(vals, phaseSettings[i]) for i in range(5)]
for i in range(1, 4):
amps[i].next = amps[i+1]
amps[i].prev = amps[i-1]
amps[0].next = amps[1]
amps[4].prev = amps[3]
if phaseSettings[0] > 4:
amps[4].next = amps[0]
amps[0].prev = amps[4]
while not (amps[0].term and amps[1].term and amps[2].term and amps[3].term and amps[4].term):
for i in range(5):
if not amps[i].term:
return amps[4].output
def part1(vals : list):
return max([amplify(vals, (a, b, c, d, e)) for a,b,c,d,e in itertools.permutations([x for x in range(5)])])
def part2(vals : list):
return max([amplify(vals, (a, b, c, d, e)) for a,b,c,d,e in itertools.permutations([x for x in range(5,10)])])
def test():
vals = [3,15,3,16,1002,16,10,16,1,16,15,15,4,15,99,0,0]
assert amplify(vals, (4,3,2,1,0)) == 43210
vals = [3,23,3,24,1002,24,10,24,1002,23,-1,23,
assert amplify(vals, (0,1,2,3,4)) == 54321
vals = [3,31,3,32,1002,32,10,32,1001,31,-2,31,1007,31,0,33,
assert amplify(vals, (1,0,4,3,2)) == 65210
vals = [3,26,1001,26,-4,26,3,27,1002,27,2,27,1,27,26,
assert amplify(vals, (9,8,7,6,5)) == 139629729
vals = [3,52,1001,52,-5,52,3,53,1,52,56,54,1007,54,5,55,1005,55,26,1001,54,
assert amplify(vals, (9,7,8,5,6)) == 18216
if __name__ == "__main__":
vals = readFile()
print(f"Part 1: {part1(vals)}")
print(f"Part 2: {part2(vals)}")