60 lines
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60 lines
1.9 KiB
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# Copyright (c) 2020 Akumatic
class Pass:
def __init__(self, input):
tmp = dict()
for data in input:
d = data.split(":")
tmp[d[0]] = d[1]
self.byr = int(tmp["byr"]) if "byr" in tmp else None
self.iyr = int(tmp["iyr"]) if "iyr" in tmp else None
self.eyr = int(tmp["eyr"]) if "eyr" in tmp else None
self.hgt = tmp["hgt"] if "hgt" in tmp else None
self.hcl = tmp["hcl"] if "hcl" in tmp else None
self.ecl = tmp["ecl"] if "ecl" in tmp else None
self.pid = tmp["pid"] if "pid" in tmp else None
self.cid = tmp["cid"] if "cid" in tmp else None
def valid_fields(self) -> bool:
return all((self.byr, self.iyr, self.eyr, \
self.hgt, self.hcl, self.ecl, self.pid))
def valid_data(self):
if not self.valid_fields():
return False
return all((
def validate_byr(byr: int) -> bool:
return 1920 <= byr <= 2002
def validate_iyr(iyr: int) -> bool:
return 2010 <= iyr <= 2020
def validate_eyr(eyr: int) -> bool:
return 2020 <= eyr <= 2030
def validate_hgt(hgt: str) -> bool:
if not(hgt[-2:] in ("cm","in") and hgt[:-2].isnumeric()):
return False
i = int(hgt[:-2])
return 150 <= i <= 193 if hgt[-2:] == "cm" else 59 <= i <= 76
def validate_hcl(hcl: str) -> bool:
if not(len(hcl) == 7 and hcl[0] == "#"):
return False
return all(47 < ord(c) < 58 or 96 < ord(c) < 103 for c in hcl[1:])
def validate_ecl(ecl: str) -> bool:
return ecl in ("amb", "blu", "brn", "gry", "grn", "hzl", "oth")
def validate_pid(pid: str) -> bool:
return len(pid) == 9 and pid.isnumeric() |