In your bot folder are two configuration files: `settings.json` and `server.json`.
##### settings.json
The bot token your bot is using.
The bot needs a prefix to distinguish messages adressed to him.
A description of the bot, printed when calling `help`.
Sets the "Playing" message of your bot, placed after a help command
A list of all extensions the bot will automatically load after starting. You can add more members either manually or by passing `True` as second argument to `load <ext>`
ID of the user with privileges to maintain the bot. Only this user can load, unload and reload extensions.
##### server.json
*You can either edit this file manually or use the respective moderation commands.*
As soon as the bot joins a server, it will fill `server.json` automatically with an dictionary identified by the server ID with the following keys:
Everyone with the given role has the permissions to run admin commands of the bot
Everyone with the given role has the permissions to run mod commands of the bot
A Message every user gets when he joins your server.
A designated channel for the bot's suggest function. See `help suggest` for more informations
A channel the bot is using for logging moderation commands.