import json, discord, io from discord.ext import commands from discord.ext.commands import CommandNotFound #config files cFile = "settings.json" sFile = "server.json" c = json.load(open(cFile, "r")) s = json.load(open(sFile, "r")) #Function to write changed config to JSON file def writeConfig(data): json.dump(data, open(cFile, "w"), indent=4) def writeServer(data): json.dump(data, open(sFile, "w"), indent=4) #The Bot itself bot = commands.Bot(description=c["description"], command_prefix=c["prefix"]) @bot.event async def on_ready(): print("Bot is running!") game = (c["prefix"] + "help" if (c["game"] == "") else c["prefix"] + "help | " + c["game"]) return await bot.change_presence(,activity=discord.Game(name=game)) @bot.event async def on_guild_join(guild): s[str(] = {"adminRole": "", "modRole": "", "joinMessage": "", "suggestionChannel": 0, "modChannel": 0, "announcementChannel": 0, "announcements": 0, "logEditAndDelete": True, "logEditAndDeleteChannel": 0, "logJoinAndLeave": True, "logJoinAndLeaveChannel" : 0} writeServer(s) @bot.event async def on_guild_remove(guild): del s[str(] writeServer(s) @bot.event async def on_command_error(ctx, error): if isinstance(error, CommandNotFound): return raise error @bot.event async def on_message(message): if message.guild == None and == False and message.content[:len(bot.command_prefix)] != bot.command_prefix: user = bot.get_user(c["maintainer"]) if user is not None: e = discord.Embed(color=0xc83232) e.set_author(name = str( + " sent a DM.", e.add_field(name="Profile",, inline=False) if message.content: e.add_field(name="Content", value=message.content, inline=False) numAtch = len(message.attachments) if numAtch == 0: await user.send(embed=e) elif numAtch == 1: x = io.BytesIO() await message.attachments[0].save(x) name = message.attachments[0].filename f = discord.File(x, filename = name) extention = name.split(".")[-1] if extention in ["jpg", "jpeg", "png", "webp", "gif"]: e.set_image(url = "attachment://"+name) await user.send(embed=e, file=f) else: e.add_field(name="Attachment",value=name, inline=False) await user.send(embed=e) await user.send(file=f) else: e.add_field(name="Attachments",value=str(numAtch)+" Attachments sent", inline=False) await user.send(embed=e) for a in message.attachments: x = io.BytesIO() await await user.send(file=discord.File(x, filename=a.filename)) await bot.process_commands(message) @bot.command(hidden=True) async def printExt(ctx): """Prints out every loaded extension""" string = [] for ext in bot.extensions: string.append(ext.split(".")[1]) await ctx.send("Loaded extensions: " + ", ".join(string)) @bot.command(hidden=True) async def load(ctx, ext : str = None, json : bool = False): """Loads a new python file from \"extension\" folder. First argument is the name of python file without .py extension. (Optional) If second argument is True, it will be autoloaded""" if( != c["maintainer"]): return if(ext == None): return await ctx.send("No extension specified") try: bot.load_extension("extensions." + ext) await ctx.send("Loaded " + ext) if(json): c["extensions"].append(ext) writeConfig(c) except Exception as e: await ctx.send("Failed to load extension \"{}\": {}".format(ext, "{} ({})".format(type(e).__name__, e))) @bot.command(hidden=True) async def reload(ctx, ext : str = None): """Reloads an extension""" if( != c["maintainer"]): return if(ext == None): return await ctx.send("No extension specified") if(("extensions." + ext) in bot.extensions): bot.unload_extension("extensions." + ext) await ctx.send("Unloaded " + ext) try: bot.load_extension("extensions." + ext) await ctx.send("Loaded " + ext) except Exception as e: await ctx.send("Failed to load extension \"{}\": {}".format(ext, "{} ({})".format(type(e).__name__, e))) else: await ctx.send("Extension " + ext + " not loaded") @bot.command(hidden=True) async def unload(ctx, ext : str = None, json : bool = False): """Unloads an extension. First argument is the name of the extension. (Optional) If second argument is True, it will be removed from autoload""" if( != c["maintainer"]): return if(ext == None): return await ctx.send("No extension specified") if(("extensions." + ext) in bot.extensions): bot.unload_extension("extensions." + ext) await ctx.send("Unloaded " + ext) if(json): c["extensions"].remove(ext) writeConfig(c) else: await ctx.send("Extension " + ext + " not loaded") if __name__ == "__main__": #loads all extensions mentioned in settings.json if(c["token"] == ""): print("Please insert a Bot Token into settings.json first") exit() for ext in c["extensions"]: try: bot.load_extension("extensions." + ext) except Exception as e: print("Failed to load extension \"{}\": {}".format(ext, "{} ({})".format(type(e).__name__, e)))["token"])