import discord, random from discord.ext import commands class Fun(): def __init__(self, bot): = bot @commands.command() async def ping(self, ctx): """Ping, Pong""" await ctx.send( + "Pong!") @commands.command() async def dice(self, ctx): """Throws a six-sided dice.""" await ctx.send( + " You rolled a D6: " + random.randint(1,6)) @commands.command() async def coin(self, ctx): """Throws a coin.""" await ctx.send( + " Your coin flip is " + "Heads" if (random.random() < 0.5) else "Tails") @commands.command() async def rps(self, ctx, userChoice : str=""): """Play Rock, Paper, Scissors with the Bot Input \"r\" for Rock, \"p\" for Paper and \"s\" for Scissors""" vals = ["r", "p", "s"] userChoice = str.lower(userChoice) if userChoice == "" or userChoice not in vals: await ctx.send( + " Invalid input. Please enter \"r\", \"p\", or \"s\"") else: botChoice = vals[random.randint(0,2)] if(userChoice == "r" and botChoice == "p"): await ctx.send( + " You lose") elif(userChoice == "r" and botChoice == "s"): await ctx.send( + " You win") elif(userChoice == "p" and botChoice == "r"): await ctx.send( + " You win") elif(userChoice == "p" and botChoice == "s"): await ctx.send( + " You lose") elif(userChoice == "s" and botChoice == "r"): await ctx.send( + " You lose") elif(userChoice == "s" and botChoice == "p"): await ctx.send( + " You win") else: await ctx.send( + " It's a tie") @commands.command() async def roll(self, ctx, a : int = 0, b : int= 100): """Rolls a random number between min and max. Default values are 0 and 100""" if(a > b): temp = a a = b b = temp await ctx.send( + " Random roll between " + str(a) + " and " + str(b) + ": " + str(random.randint(a,b))) #Setup def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Fun(bot))