2019-10-07 22:02:54 +02:00

77 lines
3.7 KiB

from discord.ext import commands
import discord, io
class User(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
self.update = {
"allowUpdate": True,
"url": "https://raw.github.com/Akumatic/Akuma-Matata/master/extensions/user.py",
"private": False
async def on_message(self, message):
if message.author.bot or message.guild != None:
if message.content[:len(self.bot.command_prefix)] != self.bot.command_prefix:
info = await self.bot.application_info()
user = info.owner
if user is not None:
e = discord.Embed(title="A DM forwarded by your Bot", color=discord.Color.gold())
e.set_author(name=f"Author: {message.author}", icon_url=message.author.avatar_url)
e.add_field(name="From", value=message.author.mention, inline=False)
if message.content:
if len(message.content) < 1025:
e.add_field(name="Message", value=message.content, inline=False)
i = 1
while len(message.content) > 1018:
e.add_field(name=f"Message ({i})", value=f"{message.content[:1019]}[...]", inline=False)
message.content = message.content[1019:]
i += 1
e.add_field(name=f"Message ({i})", value=f"{message.content}", inline=False)
numAtch = len(message.attachments)
if numAtch == 0:
await user.send(embed=e)
elif numAtch == 1:
x = io.BytesIO()
await message.attachments[0].save(x)
name = message.attachments[0].filename
f = discord.File(x, filename = name)
extention = name.split(".")[-1]
if extention in ["jpg", "jpeg", "png", "webp", "gif"]:
e.set_image(url = f"attachment://{name}")
await user.send(embed=e, file=f)
e.add_field(name="Attachment",value=name, inline=False)
await user.send(embed=e)
await user.send(file=f)
e.add_field(name="Attachments",value=f"{numAtch} Attachments sent",
await user.send(embed=e)
for a in message.attachments:
x = io.BytesIO()
await a.save(x)
await user.send(file=discord.File(x, filename=a.filename))
async def botinvite(self, ctx):
e = discord.Embed(title="<< Invite this bot to your server >>", description=f"[Click here to invite this bot to"
f" your server.](https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id={self.bot.user.id}&scope=bot&permissions"
f"=8)", color=discord.Color.blue())
await ctx.send(embed=e)
async def source(self, ctx):
e = discord.Embed(title="<< Source Code >>", description=f"[Click here to view the source code of this bot on G"
f"ithub.](https://github.com/Akumatic/Akuma-Matata)", color=discord.Color.blue())
await ctx.send(embed=e)
def setup(bot):