diff --git a/core.py.md b/core.py.md
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+++ b/core.py.md
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+# Extension: core.py
+This extension gives the bot core functionality (error and module handling).
+## Listener
+|on_ready|Whenever the bot is ready, it prints ("Bot is running!" into terminal and changes the displayed game.|
+|on_guild_join|Whenever the bot joins a guild, it adds a new empty dict to `serverCfg` with `guild.id` as key.|
+|on_guild_remove|Whenever the bot leaves a guild, it removes the dict with `guild.id` as key.|
+|on_command_error|Whenever a command error occurs, it sends the given error log to the corresponding context or to the owner's direct messages.|
+## Commands
+|Command|Required Permission|Description|
+|`stop`|Bot Owner|Unloads all extensions and stops the bot.|
+|`setGame {text}`|Bot Owner|Sets the current displayed game. If no text gets provided, it just prints the `help` command.|
+|`load {ext} [true]`|Bot Owner|Loads {ext}1 if its not loaded yet. {ext} gets added to autostart if you add [true].|
+|`unload {ext} [true]`|Bot Owner|Unloads {ext}1 if its loaded. {ext} gets removed from autostart if you add [true].|
+|`reload {ext}`|Bot Owner|Reloads {ext}1 if its loaded.|
+|`printExt`|Bot Owner|Sends all loaded extensions.|
+1 {ext} has to be in the `extensions` folder. Pass just the name (without .py) to the command.