Every Fun and User commands sends an embed now

This commit is contained in:
Akumatic 2019-10-05 04:58:59 +02:00
parent d33253e4a9
commit 52655b0c4b
2 changed files with 109 additions and 48 deletions

View File

@ -8,32 +8,59 @@ class Fun(commands.Cog):
async def ping(self, ctx):
"""Ping, Pong"""
await ctx.send("{} Pong!".format(ctx.author.mention))
e = discord.Embed(title="<< Ping >>", description=ctx.author.mention, color=discord.Color.blue())
e.set_author(name=ctx.author, icon_url=ctx.author.avatar_url)
e.add_field(name=":ping_pong:", value="Pong!")
await ctx.send(embed=e)
async def dice(self, ctx, *, countstr: str = "4"):
"""Throws a four-sided dice."""
async def dice(self, ctx, countstr: str = "6", dicesstr: str = "1"):
"""Throws a dice."""
e = discord.Embed(description=ctx.author.mention)
e.set_author(name=ctx.author, icon_url=ctx.author.avatar_url)
count = int(countstr)
dices = int(dicesstr)
await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed(color=discord.Color.red(), description="Please enter a valid number for ``dice``"))
e.title="<< Dice >>"
e.color = discord.Color.red()
e.add_field(name=":game_die:", value="Please enter a valid number for `dice`")
return await ctx.send(embed=e)
limit = 1000 # The limit for the amount of sides of the dice can be set here
limit = 120 # The limit for the amount of sides of the dice can be set here
if count > limit:
await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed(color=discord.Color.red(), description=f"The limit for the number of sides of the dice is {limit}. Please use a smaller number next time."))
count = limit
await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed(title=f"<< Dice {count} >>", description=f"{random.randint(1, int(count))}", color=0x53ff28))
e.title="<< Dice >>"
e.add_field(name=":game_die:", value=f"You tried to throw {count} sided dices. Allowed are {limit} sides.")
return await ctx.send(embed=e)
#Embed limitation
if dices > 25:
e.title="<< Dice >>"
e.add_field(name=":game_die:", value=f"You tried to throw {dices} dices. Allowed are 25 dices.")
return await ctx.send(embed=e)
e.color = discord.Color.blue()
e.title = f"<< {dices} Dice {count} >>"
for i in range(dices):
e.add_field(name=":game_die:", value = random.randint(1, count), inline=True)
await ctx.send(embed=e)
async def magic8ball(self,ctx, *, msg : str = None):
async def magic8ball(self, ctx, *, msg: str = None):
e = discord.Embed(title="<< 8Ball >>", description=ctx.author.mention)
e.set_author(name=ctx.author, icon_url=ctx.author.avatar_url)
if msg is None:
await ctx.send(":8ball: You need to specify a question.")
e.color = discord.Color.red()
e.add_field(name=":8ball:", value="You need to specify a question.")
return await ctx.send(embed=e)
e = discord.Embed(color=0x3296ff)
e.set_author(name = str(ctx.author), icon_url=ctx.author.avatar_url)
e.add_field(name=":grey_question: Question", value=msg, inline=False)
e.color = discord.Color.blue()
if len(msg) < 1025:
e.add_field(name=":grey_question: Question", value=msg, inline=False)
e.add_field(name=":grey_question: Question", value=msg[:1024], inline=False)
e.add_field(name="[...]", value=msg[1024:], inline=False)
e.add_field(name=":8ball: Answer", value=random.choice(
["Yes.", "As I see it, yes.", "Outlook good.", "For sure", "Without a doubt.", "It is decidedly so.",
"Without a doubt.", "Maybe", "Perhaps","It is uncertain", "Dont even think about it.", "Nope.", "Don't "
@ -43,41 +70,59 @@ class Fun(commands.Cog):
async def coin(self, ctx):
"""Throws a coin."""
await ctx.send("{} Your coin flip is {}".format(ctx.author.mention, random.choice(["Head", "Tail"])))
"""Flip a coin."""
e = discord.Embed(title="<< Flip a coin >>", description=ctx.author.mention, color=discord.Color.blue())
e.set_author(name=ctx.author, icon_url=ctx.author.avatar_url)
e.add_field(name="Your coin shows ", value=f"{random.choice(['Heads', 'Tails'])}")
await ctx.send(embed=e)
async def rps(self, ctx, userChoice : str = None):
async def rps(self, ctx, user: str = None):
"""Play Rock, Paper, Scissors with the Bot
Input \"r\" for Rock, \"p\" for Paper and \"s\" for Scissors"""
if userChoice == None or str.lower(userChoice) not in ["r", "p", "s"]:
return await ctx.send("{} Invalid input. Please enter \"r\", \"p\" or \"s\"".format(ctx.author.mention))
Input 'r' for Rock, 'p' for Paper and 's' for Scissors"""
e = discord.Embed(title="<< Rock, Paper, Scissors >>", description=ctx.author.mention)
e.set_author(name=ctx.author, icon_url=ctx.author.avatar_url)
if user == None or str.lower(user) not in ["r", "p", "s"]:
e.add_field(name=":moyai::newspaper::scissors:", value="Invalid input. Please use 'r', 'p' or 's'")
return await ctx.send(embed=e)
botChoice = ["r", "p", "s"][random.randint(0,2)]
if userChoice == "r" and botChoice == "p":
await ctx.send("{} You lose".format(ctx.author.mention))
elif userChoice == "p" and botChoice == "s":
await ctx.send("{} You lose".format(ctx.author.mention))
elif userChoice == "s" and botChoice == "r":
await ctx.send("{} You lose".format(ctx.author.mention))
elif userChoice == "r" and botChoice == "s":
await ctx.send("{} You win".format(ctx.author.mention))
elif userChoice == "p" and botChoice == "r":
await ctx.send("{} You win".format(ctx.author.mention))
elif userChoice == "s" and botChoice == "p":
await ctx.send("{} You win".format(ctx.author.mention))
emote = {"r":":moyai:", "p":":newspaper:", "s":":scissors:"}
com = random.choice(["r", "p", "s"])
e.add_field(name="You", value=emote[user], inline=True)
e.add_field(name="Computers", value=emote[com], inline=True)
if (user == "r" and com == "p") or (user == "p" and com == "s") or (user == "s" and com == "r"):
e.add_field(name=":moyai::newspaper::scissors:", value="You lose")
elif (user == "r" and com == "s") or (user == "p" and com == "r") or (user == "s" and com == "p"):
e.add_field(name=":moyai::newspaper::scissors:", value="You win")
await ctx.send("{} It's a tie".format(ctx.author.mention))
e.add_field(name=":moyai::newspaper::scissors:", value="It's a tie")
await ctx.send(embed=e)
async def roll(self, ctx, a : int = 0, b : int= 100):
async def roll(self, ctx, astr: str = "0", bstr: str = "100"):
"""Rolls a random number between min and max.
Default values are 0 and 100"""
e = discord.Embed(description=ctx.author.mention)
e.set_author(name=ctx.author, icon_url=ctx.author.avatar_url)
a = int(astr)
b = int(bstr)
e.title="<< Roll >>"
e.color = discord.Color.red()
e.add_field(name=":game_die:", value="Please enter valid numbers for `roll`")
return await ctx.send(embed=e)
e.color = discord.Color.blue()
if a > b:
temp = a
a = b
b = temp
await ctx.send("{} Random roll between {} and {}: {}".format(ctx.author.mention, a, b, random.randint(a, b)))
e.title = f"<< Random roll in [{a}, {b}] >>"
e.add_field(name=":game_die:", value = random.randint(a, b))
await ctx.send(embed=e)
def setup(bot):

View File

@ -13,12 +13,19 @@ class User(commands.Cog):
info = await self.bot.application_info()
user = info.owner
if user is not None:
e = discord.Embed(color=0x802080)
e.set_author(name = str(message.author) + " sent a DM.",
e.add_field(name="Profile", value=message.author.mention, inline=False)
e = discord.Embed(title="A DM forwarded by your Bot", color=discord.Color.gold())
e.set_author(name=f"Author: {message.author}", icon_url=message.author.avatar_url)
e.add_field(name="From", value=message.author.mention, inline=False)
if message.content:
e.add_field(name="Content", value=message.content, inline=False)
if len(message.content) < 1025:
e.add_field(name="Message", value=message.content, inline=False)
i = 1
while len(message.content) > 1018:
e.add_field(name=f"Message ({i})", value=f"{message.content[:1019]}[...]", inline=False)
message.content = message.content[1019:]
i += 1
e.add_field(name=f"Message ({i})", value=f"{message.content}", inline=False)
numAtch = len(message.attachments)
if numAtch == 0:
await user.send(embed=e)
@ -29,14 +36,14 @@ class User(commands.Cog):
f = discord.File(x, filename = name)
extention = name.split(".")[-1]
if extention in ["jpg", "jpeg", "png", "webp", "gif"]:
e.set_image(url = "attachment://"+name)
e.set_image(url = f"attachment://{name}")
await user.send(embed=e, file=f)
e.add_field(name="Attachment",value=name, inline=False)
await user.send(embed=e)
await user.send(file=f)
e.add_field(name="Attachments",value=str(numAtch)+" Attachments sent",
e.add_field(name="Attachments",value=f"{numAtch} Attachments sent",
await user.send(embed=e)
for a in message.attachments:
@ -44,11 +51,20 @@ class User(commands.Cog):
await a.save(x)
await user.send(file=discord.File(x, filename=a.filename))
async def botinvite(self, ctx):
await ctx.send(f"Invite this bot to your server: <https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id={self.bot.user.id}&scope=bot"
"&permissions=8>\nPlease read <https://github.com/Akumatic/Akuma-Matata/blob/master/README.md> for informat"
e = discord.Embed(title="<< Invite this bot to your server >>", description=f"[Click here to invite this bot to"
f" your server.](https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id={self.bot.user.id}&scope=bot&permissions"
f"=8)", color=discord.Color.blue())
await ctx.send(embed=e)
async def source(self, ctx):
e = discord.Embed(title="<< Source Code >>", description=f"[Click here to view the source code of this bot on G"
f"ithub.](https://github.com/Akumatic/Akuma-Matata)", color=discord.Color.blue())
await ctx.send(embed=e)
def setup(bot):