Akumatic edited this page 2019-10-09 14:08:42 +02:00

Extension: fun.py

This extension gives the bot fun/game commands.


Command Arguments Required Permission Description
ping Sends "Pong" as response.
dice [sides=6] [numOfDices=1] Rolls numOfDices Dices with sides sides. sides max value is 120, numOfDices max value is 25.
magic8ball 8ball {text} Asks 8ball a yes/no question.
coin Throws a coin.
rps {"r" / "p" / "s"} Plays "Rock, Paper, Scissors" with the bot.
roll [min=0] [max=100] Generates a random number N with min <= N <= max. Swaps min and max if min > max.
decide {choice1, choice2, ...} Selects one of the given choices. Choices have to be separated by comma.